Monday, February 16, 2004


so today wallace alex and i were talking on the bus ride home ...
and suddenly these two grade eleven guys were like "how old are you?" to alex and alex didn't want to answer them. so they "assumed" he was seventeen.

so the one guy says to the other "oh my gawd he looks like he's like 83 years old. he needs to lose weight. oh my gosh blabalbalabalbala" like HELLO i'm standing RIGHT there and alex wasn't too far away. and wallace (who used to be their friend) is also sitting right there. i dunno. i just got really mad.

maybe it was because i was really tired and irritable... becuase i'm not normally super confrontational when it comes to people i don't know. but i jsut felt my blood boil and i spun around and was like "is there a REASON you're being such a f--- asshole?? you don't even know him so maybe you should just leave him the hell alone."
and the guy was just like "uhh... whoa... "
i don't care if they say crap about me behind my back or whatever. like honestly. i can't STAND people like that. like WHO do you think you are??? they really are not the best looking people themselves. but no one stands there and talks about THEM like they're like a piece of gum under a table. UGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHUGHGH.
i dont' know.
was i wrong? was i wrong to go off on them to swear at them?
maybe. but i wouldn't take it back if i could. becuase honestly people like that -- people like them ... or lynch or eric martin.... SOMEONE for GODSAKES needs to tell them how incredibly retarded they are. or else they're honestly gonna just keep thinking it's okay to say stuff like that.

[weekend pics and update coming but i gotta upload my pics first :P]

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