Monday, February 09, 2004

the scraping of a faded slide
was this 'poem' that i just wrote JUST WROTE and then when i published blogger ate it up! GRRRRRR. so now its lost becuase i cna't remember it. writing stuff liek that is too "trancey" to remember. >:(

so here's my weekend in point form.:
- went up to pt's parent's condo friday nite and had a lil slumber party" with jo, tiff and pt(well he wasn't int he same room :P) but yeah..
- tc training at 9:00 am bleeee.. coffee time coffee is yucky. and they sell chinese food in that coffee time O_o weeeeeeird.
- training was pretty good... informative but LONG. impossible to stay awake all eight hours. so i slept a bit during one of the talks opps :P
- saw michellie, winnie, matt, becky, and met some cool people such as JASMINE (there were three of us there :P) and ryan, keith, ada, and cindy
- had dinner at congee wong with pt, jo, tiff, g, nita, and ivan
-bought CHINESE BUNS at bigfarmland? biglandfarm? one or the other..
- cheesecake for nita's birthday at ivan's house (SO nice!) and me tiff and jo simutaneously decided ivan has THE coolest mom haha
- led worship on sunday and we did "I will sing of the mercies of the Lord" jazz bar style hehehehhe :) i was the lounge singer and jo was the black preacher ... errr not really...
- practiced iscf multicultural show song at trin -- i love that song. looooove.

oh! so me tiff and jo's TC team name has to start with the letter "T" and has to be either a person or a place from the bible... any suggestions???
make suggestions!

and uhhh NEW O-C TONIGHT!!!!!

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