August 2nd--10:04 pm
i spent four days (monday tues wed thurs) in a farming village on mainland china, about five hours away from Shenzhen, called MmmWah (lol my own phoenetics). I expected it to be a place with no airconditioning and no internet, a place in the middle of nowhere where i would be basically cut off from the rest of the world, a place where i would spend many hours sitting around melting. It was all these things. But it was so much more than that. It was a place where the warmness of family i had never seen radiated, where i'd sit at the breakfast table and look out at rice fields and mountains, where i made friends with kids through the sharing of sketchbook paper and muji pens (which by the way are a big deal for these people), where everyone sits outside in the night air sipping tea, watching the motorcycle lights float by, and where the rain falls through a hole in the roof into a hole in the floor and you get up from your shotglasses of tea and wooden fans and kids run outside and yell "lok suay" in Hak Ka, a dialect i can't quite master the understanding of.
i miss it.
my pictures are really crappy (shaky for some reason) but i think even the best photographer couldn't do my feelings justice. in a way, it's really hard coming back to the busyness of hk even after four days at my aunt's resort in china... it's too cold...too hectic... to unappreciative. anywyas, check out the pics. haha a few things to note: the washroom was okay cuz my aunt had a normal bathroom installed for my grandma :P, they don't drink water they just drink this really good tea ALL the time, i will never eat bak cheet gie ever again, and i was never bored. you sat, but you were always busy. i dind't even have a chance to write postcards or read pdl.
view from the front door
rice farmers
our house
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