Sunday august 8 --12:48 am
had lunch with my uncle's parents and brother's family today :) and then met up with bonnie in causeway bay... was nice to see bonnie again haha she's so glam all "hk'ed up" so yeah we ran around and shopped i got a purse and some make up and some other stuff :) and we had mcdonalds icecream. i think i've been to mcd's at least 6 or 7 times since i've been in hk hahaha it's SO much better than mcd's in canada!
went to stanley for dinner with my fam and janet's family... stanley is really really nice, i suck at barganing though, although i made an attempt at this one store. anyways the stores were basically closing by the teim we got htere... we ate dinner at this nice german restaurant with pillars overlooking the.... harbour? ocean?... yeah. and it was soooper nice to eat potatoes. which i love. which ihavne't had for 2.5 weeks ! lol ... i had a yummy pina colada and me being my loser self i would like to type that i sat sipping my pina colada, wearing a wide-brimmed white hat, watching the waves lap onto the rocks and smelling the sweet sea-salt air. of course it was totally so dark and i was sitting at a round table with like 10 other people haha.. but it was still good and also the apple strudel was lovely as well :)
hk mishaps
haha so a few things i forgot to mention:
on wednesday i got a haircut... i suppose it's not exactly a mishap... i mean, i intended to get a haircut... and it's not that the person did a bad job or whatever, but that (i think) i explained wrong of what i want and ended up with a really SHORT cut. it's *OKAY* ... okay not really. i dunno i just feel like it's really weird. it's short and really REALLY layered ... kinda fobby ... i suppose it would be cute if not for the fact that i think it makes the top half of my head look bigger. not like my head isn't alreayd big enough as it is :P also, (i think) when it's brushed back in a certain way it looks somewhat like a mullet which is the worst hairstyle of all time. but if i brush it in a certain way it looks okay .. anyways it takes too much maintenance so i hope that before university starts it grows out so that the shortest part is at least to my shoulders.
thursday i banged my leg on the rotating metal thing getting into the mtr i have the HUGEST bruise. it spans about two inches length and width-wise and is purple, pink, yellow, and blue.
tomorrow i'm heading out to my old church that i used to go to -- they have an english service and i know the guy who's playing guitar for the worship so it shoudl be good... much needed after a week of incomprehendable freaky lutheran service and a week of no church at all although i confess that lack of facilities shouldn't keep me from staying 'connected' with God. ---- ehhh on that note, i'm off to read another chapter of pdl :P tdl!
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