Sunday, March 07, 2004

hahaha so funny and HORRIBLE! go do it.


Once upon a time there was a young WAITRESS named SETH COHEN. He was VICIOUSLY GRAZING in the CRAZY forest when he met SQUISHY JOHNNY DEPP, a run-away SOCIAL WORKER from the GLISTENING Queen SUMMER.

SETH COHEN could see that SQUISHY JOHNNY DEPP was hungry so he reached into his TUPPERWARE and give him his BLUE SUSHI. SQUISHY JOHNNY DEPP was thankful for SETH COHEN's SUSHI, so he told SETH COHEN a very CRISPY story about Queen SUMMER's daughter JASMINE. How her mother, the GLISTENING Queen SUMMER, kept her locked away in a TEMPLE protected by a gigantic UNICORN, because JASMINE was so UGLY.

SETH COHEN RAN. He vowed to SQUISHY JOHNNY DEPP the SOCIAL WORKER that he would save the UGLY JASMINE. He would SING the UNICORN, and take JASMINE far away from her eveil mother, the GLISTENING Queen SUMMER, and SLIDE her.

Then, all of the sudden, there was a POUFY RAIN and SQUISHY JOHNNY DEPP the SOCIAL WORKER began to laugh. With a puff of smoke he turned into the gigantic UNICORN from his story. GLISTENING Queen SUMMER PICKED out from behind a BANANA and struck SETH COHEN dead. In the far off TEMPLE you could hear a MOOOOOOO.


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