Thursday, March 04, 2004

kicking myself for having spent every last cent on a payphone
in that i can't and won't deal with this
becuase it isn't my fault becuase i didn't do anything to deserve this
the whole world's out to get me i swear
it's either nothing at all happens or something so
terrible like this.
and i just won't take it anymore. i won't.
maybe it's fate.
fate that i won't succeed and
that the cardboardbox theory will hold true.
in any case, it will be better than chance always kicking me when i'm down
better than being hounded
becuase of course I'm the one in a hundred some odd students who suffers from her ONE moment of disorganization and uncaring. How can i do anything get anywhere if everything is just against me?

it's period b and then goodbye. provided i can scrounge up the bus fare.

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