happy birthday joseph and liz! :)
In flanders fields the poppies blow, between the crosses row on row, that mark our place, and it the sky, the larks, still bravely singing fly, scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead, short days ago, we lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow. Loved, and were loved, and now we lie in flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe, to you from failing hands we throw, the torch be yours to hold it high, if ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep though poppies grow in flanders fields.
rememberance day.
i think it's really important to remember what happened before. the lives that were given and taken for what we have today. so that we don't take for granted the peace we are so blessed to live in today.
oh and lookat the picture above- if there was any doubt that the inside of the poppy is actually black-- let it be clarified. :P i like the poppies with the black inside better than the ones with green inside. i mean, for one thing it's actually accurate. secondly, it doesn't look so "happy" or "christmassy". and also, the green is ugly :P
we had a remembrance day assembly today at school... i thought it was pretty well done... i'd have to say that Justin and wallace and alex and the rest of the orchestra's Schindler's list piece had me moved almost to tears... full body goosebumps at least as is usually the case when i hear Justin play violin... or see him play. *AH!* sooo good! i love watching him play because he always looks like he's totally engulfed in the music, unaware of anything or anyone else around him. that was definitely my favourite part of the assembly. ahhhhh!!!! and wallace's quartet was really good too!! although i guess i didn't specifically like the piece as much as the schindler's list.. but it was still so good! so together!! (wall, liz, justin, and daryl) wowowowoww. i like orchestra now. i think maybe i'll go to TWO symphonies in my lifetime :D .. hahhaa... or more as long as either wall or justin plays in them.
and ROB!!! i didn't even know my buddy rob had that kinda talent- i can't believe he WROTE that song he sang! plus the violin and piano parts too-- ppl this wasn't like a sissy song it was a NICE song. not cheesy or anything either.
it's OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i can't believe it it's finally over-- this crazy hell week is over... this week will die down from here... and the weekend will be a blast :) AND i'm gonna get a full 8 hours of sleep tonite :Dwheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... no more bags under the eyes!
a BIG thankyou and xoxoxo to g, jo, mike, patty, jeh, adrian, pearl, bro,and jon.
without you, well... this week would have been much much much worse. esp g and jo. and ESPECIALLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY GOD!!!! :P :) for all the answered prayers, for the love, for the comfort, for lessons learned. please help me trust You more, love You more. thankyou and much love.
things i'm looking forward to
- wed nite O-C!!!!!!!!!!!!! *AHHHHHHHHHHH*
- thurs nite-- sunday school teacher training thingy
-fri nite-- lifesong, plus see patty and heidi and g!
-sat-- breakfast? and operation christmas child
-sun-- tiff's bday thing!!!
-CHRISTMAS! -- i had this down under my "currently" thing a few weeks ago as what i was looking forward to... and i was thinking it was really far away but reallyy-- it's NOT! i mean, we're already mid nov! that means only a montha nd a bit left!!
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