Saturday, November 15, 2003

what a much needed refresher. thought provoker.
kudos to my buddy dave for sharing!
... something he said really stuck out to me. "i saw [the Christians at fellowship] and saw how they seemed to handle everything. they knew that no matter what happened, no matter how bad it was, that it was all part of a big plan that God has for their lives and that eventually it would all be to their benifit."
God help me remember. help me always draw my strength from You.

btw-- WHO'S idea was it to throw my cow across the stage??!?! ... =P MEEEEANN!!!
but haha it was kind of funny afterward thinking about my reaction. dave like threw him and i was like *GASP* and sat there open mouthed for like 15 seconds... alex was laughing his head off.

it was a good time of socializing after lifesong last night... got to talk to a bunch of people i haven't talked to in a long while... got to meet a few new faces... and got to spend time with jo tiff alex and... HEIDI! up from western :) lol we stood out in the cold for like an hour cuz every single place in the plaza was closed or full :P so funny tho...

as i was talking to a last night something he said really hit me. he said something to the effect of "i was thinking about how God loves us so much... every single one of us so unimaginably... and he *knows* that alot of people are going to put him as their second choice or not love him back at all and that hurts him... but he still loves everyone that much. His love is so unconditional.. and i just want to get there. i want to be able to love my friends with all of my heart even if i know they dont' love me back or make me their second choice.."
something else i'd like to be able to do.
keep working on setting my expectations aside.
keep trying to be more Christ-like.
keep loving, harbouring no bitterness.
a you always challenge me. thanks. :)

gonna go have lunch now... BAI!

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