I’m home. Back to the familiar sights and smells … a few things changed… but my family is still my family =) and my laundry smells so much better at home than at rez. I can change in my bedroom without telling someone 10 times not to turn around hehe…
I can’t believe 1A is over… what a term. Four months gone just like that… When I was in high school/jr. high my older friends would always tell me how amazing university was, how you build the most amazing friendships and how God shows you so much. And I couldn’t have possibly understood that. This term, God blessed me and showed me so much through so many amazing people. Today, I got so frustrated. I thought to myself, ‘what was the point of all this if it’s just gonna end??? People just leave and everything that was built must be rebuilt’… but a wise friend reminded me that each term is not a separate entity. Instead, life is like this novel, and each ‘section’ (in this case, each semester) is like a chapter. The next term, things change, but the characters still remain… they don’t disappear… it’s still the same story. So perhaps I only have a glimpse of what God will bless me with over the next few years. But I’d like to share a few of His blessings for me in 1A. And at the same time, say a little *thank you* to those of you who have been “main characters” in this chapter of my life. [note: all names under each heading are in alphabetical order]
Maybe we’re not all in the same city but we’ll be best friends for life. Sorry girls, you’re stuck with me. I thank God for holding this bond strong… coming into university, one of my biggest fears was that kreazeless would fall apart… but I should have trusted that nothing could come between us…

Dora: I missed you so much this semester… but you were still always there with our crazy phone calls that racked up my long distance bills lol you’re the one with whom I can say anything lol we’re always saying what other people are thinking but are too afraid to say. :P I think everyone here is sick of hearing about this “dora” … but too bad because you’ll always be my best friend. … hardly anything has changed…. the laughs will continue…
Jo: my oldest friend. Our friendship has grown stronger in many ways this term… and yet, it’s been stretched further than ever before. Just because you live next door to someone doesn’t mean you talk all that much. But I praise God that the conversations we DID have were beneficial and that we have only grown closer this term despite the fact that we’re not together 24/7 like we were before. It doesn’t matter what people see or think … we’ll be best friends forever. From preschool to the first days of kindergarten/elementary, jr. high, highschool, and university. We’ve shared so much of our lives together. I’m glad to be able to continue to grow with you now…
Kat: can’t believe we’re roommates hahaha… didn’t so many people tell us we would kill each other?? And we didn’t! ha! .. thankyou for your patience. What’s been cool is some of the conversations we’ve had late at night, you’ll be reading and I’ll be fooling around on my computer … and all of a sudden we’ll just delve into thoughtful discussion. You challenge me with your sometimes random spurts of “I need to start doing devotions more regularly”… and encourage me with our sharing of how the friendships we’ve made this term are more Christ centered… you are considerate in how you leave me your eyeliner when you go home for the night… you make me laugh with your random emotions and falling off the bed and stuff hahaha… it’s been good times girlfriend, looking forward to another term with you. A less messy one? ;)
South A
South A is my floor at Ron Eydt Village where I’ve been living for the past four months. I was excited about the experience but scared too… living on an all girls floor I was like whoa.. it’s gonna be so catty and stuff… communal bathrooms? How can that be home? Home is where you make it. Let me tell you—this place has been like home to me because of all of you. I’ve been beyond blessed with a bunch of girls who have been like my “family” (most of them MOMish haha) at rev. Jo and Kat are included in here but they’ve already been afore mentioned.

Aneta: WHERE IS THE LOVE????... hahaha thanks for this term… remember when we would just flop around (before exams started) and talk about whatever? Haha Costco… you freaked out so much when you found out I knew NO songs hahaha but soon enough you had me singing along to Carl Henry – hey we met our goal! Haha I know all the words =) … we bicker a lot… disagree about a lot… it’s sort of funny :P but in the end we both know we’re still great friends. That means a lot. Next term we must have more of those days where we just feel the urge to look good and sing in the showers… too funny =P
Dev: how do you put up with me? You’re one of the most patient people I have ever met in my entire life. You just sit and listen to me whine and whine and whine and cry and whatever else. I can flip out at you and you don’t get mad. You’ve assured and reassured me again and again that you care. I guess that’s why that “best friends” things goes beyond a frosh week joke. Fun times girl—night talk, freaking out about boys, scrapbook!, song of the week!, last beautiful day of November, eating brown food and drinking tea, Halloween weekend (being stared down at a SriLankan grocery store! Haha), your “mom”ness, squirt and your bed is so freakin soft! … there’s more but i would eventually like to finish this blog entry :P thanks devinkapaiva.
Chris: it’s been amazing getting to know you so much better … I remember the first time the “quiet” chris spazzed out I was like “whoa… who IS this girl” but now I know that’s just how you are hahaha… I means a lot when I just need to get OUT of the building and get some air.. to take things off my chest that we can go walk around outside … admire the prettiness and just talk about everything. We’ll both miss people next term but throw in a little bit of karaoke, accidentally in love, sociology… we’ll still have a blast heehee.. thanks.
Emzhei: my hakka sister. Seriously, before you I have never met anyone I’m not related to who is hakka. Man.. I don’t need to write this, you already know what you mean to me. You challenge me every day with your selflessness and perseverance… all this crap can be going on in your life but you shove that aside and you’re right there for everyone—especially me. How many times this term were you up til 3:30 when you had 8:30 class just listening to me rant about everything? So many . I can always cry with you. We had some fun times though eh?... remember the guitar playing haha and making fun of marilyn, and our cartilage piercing!!! And so much more… I dunno where the future’s going but I feel so blessed to have you as a friend here and now.
Laura: Laura you’re like the clear head of the hall… floor.. whatever. Everything I confide in you, you think out rationally, simply, as if the answer was so obvious. Ok maybe it was, just not in my crazy frazzled brain haha… you’re never letting me put myself down and helping me up when I am. If only you were around more but you sleep at like 10pm hahahaha joking joking :P … thanks for your hugs babe.
Janna: there’s something you said to me that really made me smile… you say this a lot but it’s actually really encouraging—“I believe in you”… I guess we haven’t had super much time to talk about everything but I guess this past term I’ve had a lot of self doubt and whatever and when you say that it just gives that little *=)* to put me back on track. Boy talking with you and laura is always so much fun—it’s so sad. I live vicariously through you guys with your hot boyfriends hahaha… cough cough. Hopefully they don’t somehow stumble upon this and think I am a freak. =P
Marilyn: maril you are just this wonderful person in a tiny package :P .. it’s crazy how much people make fun of you and you take it and take it hahaha I mean, if someone told ME I had broad shoulders and hairy fingers… lol jk jk… I probably got to know you better before anyone else this term, since you were the only one who stayed weekends because of your Saturday labs haha… too bad.. but we had fun didn’t we? Just talking about random things, walking to random places, almost getting hit by trains, and gushing about whatever boy… you were one of the few that shared both my “floor” life and “ccf” life and that means so much to me. Because both groups of friends mean the world to me and the fact that you were there through it all … well I’m just so thankful. Thanks for being such a great friend to me all the time listening to me bch and moan and letting me fall asleep on your bed all the time haha stop shining lights into my eye you psycho :P
Quyen: babe you crack me up. Seriously, whenever I need a lift you’re there. You fob me up too hahaha … thanks for the tension songs… I guess we didn’t get much of a chance to talk about every single little thing this term—seeing how you don’t stay weekends and you’re all the way on the other side of the hall haha jk … but you’ve been an amazing friend to me. Offering to help me clean my extremely messy room even though I KNOW you hate mess. Haha… you’re always so fun to chill with and joke around about randomness. Thanks for lightening up the place. It can sometimes get too … dramatic. Especially with ME around :P
Whitney: my ARTS friend!!!!! Wits… I don’t see you that often… but when I do it’s always nice to have midnight heart to hearts … good to get an artsy perspective on things haha jk but yeah… it’s really awesome having you to talk to about stuff…and just bum around and eat jap snacks and candies from a tin hahaha… those are so good and from a good movie … even though your friends think I can’t speak Chinese I CAN. Thanks for being there. We need to go to pacific and take card pictures yayyyyy!
Don’t make fun. I just needed a nice heading for these girls so I could make a blurb about this. … six girls from ccf… the ones I grew closer with earlier on I guess, started meeting up with each other weekly to share and pray with each other. Seriously, you know how people say that friendships that are Christ centered last and are so meaningful? I don’t think I’ve ever experienced that to its full extent until this year. I can’t tell you all how much it meant to be able to meet up and just be so open and to just lift everything up in prayer. Even before that whole prayer thing started, we were still there always keeping each other accountable. Even when we disagreed on stuff we wouldn’t just keep it inside but we cared enough to talk about it… to make sure issues were resolved and the right things were done. You girls are like sisters to me. I remember this one time when Alison was praying (and everyone was crying again hahaha) and she was like “we’re not blood… but we’re close enough”. Jo, Kat, Alison, Jacqueline, Laura--- thanks for being like family.

CCF Frosh
I keep hearing people say “the frosh this term were really close”… and we were! So praise God for this amazing group of brothers and sisters =)

The “6Chicks” weren’t the only CCF girls that meant a lot to me this term… with time, God blessed me with even more girlies that are really amazing. It was awesome to see God grow a small group of girls bigger especially the few times toward the end of the term where we all got together to pray at slc… and kat flushed her phone down the toilet and bee said we were “interesting” haha sorry had to add that in somewhere.
Hey, it’s pretty much just gonna be us girls next term. Thanks for all your prayers and funness (especially around exam time). Emzhei, Jo, Marilyn, and Kat are included but have already been mentioned.
Alison: what to say… are there words to describe this strange relationship of ours? … I guess kat referred to it as a “love hate relationship” but it’s so much more… :P … you keep being super mean to me all the time but I still keep “coming back”… why? Because I know you care anyways. Because you’re this amazing friend who ‘wastes’ her time on me and who tells me I’m like Kleenex when I’m sobbing thinking I’m good for nothing. Because you’re not afraid to kick me in the butt when I’m doing something stupid and tell me to wake up. We can argue a lot about all this crap and then two seconds later sit there and laugh and laugh (sometimes about the same crap). You challenge me to evaluate myself, question my motives, and lead a God centered life. And we have fun. Whatever this friendship is I know it’s not fake or superficial. Thanks for everything.
Bee: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee… EeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEe hahaa.. sorry that I shafted you in the beginning of the term. My loss. I missed out on monthssss of hanging out with an insane but beyond cool chickie named Bernice. Freaking out with you is always therapeutic and fun haha… you make me forget about stuff when we do silly things like run around and build baby snowmen and do “photography” shots and draw pictures and eat breakfast (grr to the person who sneezed in my EGGS!) haha and yet you’re there to really talk when I need to and give good advice –thanks!… stay the way you are bee, we’re gonna have a blast next term!
Clara: clara keh keh keh .. hahahha… you crack me up girlfriend… it’s been fun getting to know you more … “studying” at slc, taking crazy pics, singing Christmas carols, shopppppinnnng!, watching movies... fun times =) … thanks for your encouraging note =) I like notes! And for your prayers both with just the girls and at the 10oclock prayer meetings, those meant a lot especially before/during exams. Oh! And for your words of wisdom you left on my desktop :=)… hahaa sorry about my “habits” that you don’t approve of ;) hopefully I can modify them or they’ll grow on you by next term ;) haha …
Jackie: I remember in the beginning of the term when I used to confide in you for every little thing. We used to mega hang out… remember walking outside mikey’s just talking and talking and crying but .. then it got cold?... thanks for that. You were the first friend at UW I considered to be even remotely close to knowing me. You were like the first new “real” friend I had. I guess we both got busier and more distant during the term, but I don’t consider you as any less of a friend than you were back in September… that meant and still means a lot. Maybe we’re getting “back” now. I’ve enjoyed the conversations we have … you inspire me to continually seek after a stronger and closer relationship with God daily. Your honesty and openness is treasured and your prayers all the more. Thanks for your song sharing hehehe yay michelle branch and starfield!!!! We will be forever more, soulmates!—even though we’ve figured out that we don’t have *everything* in common ;)
Laura: laura you’re awesome. Thanks for always looking out for me and keeping me accountable (even though you abuse your power!!! Haha)… I remember that time me you and kat went out and just shared our testimonies with eachother at Williams, that was really cool to be able to talk about stuff like that. I guess there was a point where we didn’t agree on certain things and I thought that maybe you didn’t like me anymore because of it… but it was totally nothing like that because you were just being the caring sister that you are. I’m so glad you got us all to talk about it because I guess it’s really important and awesome to be able to be open and honest about stuff like that. Thanks for your funness… too bad those lights went out on us eh? We still gotta get jon back for his snowjobs—winter retreat? Hehe…
It was a blessing to have a lot of closer Christian guy friends this term. Never had that much before… nice to have some “testosterone” in the mix… except.. most of these guys had more estrogen than some of the girls hahaha jokes jokes (sort of).
Andrew: Andrew TSOI!... you are one crazy guy. Probably the first guy I really got to know this term. Econ was fun … us and our many variations of tic tac toe and our note writing… livened up Larry’s class (not that larry smith needs to be livened) =) … thanks for our heart to hearts on the way back from class, at timmy’s, and etc… it’s good to see the deeper side of Andrew sometimes =) But also good to see the funny dorky side who makes fun of marilyn all the time and makes stupid but funny jokes and plays yanni on the piano. Thanks for a great term. Stay that way, I’m actually on stream with you!
Bily: your cheerful cartoon face makes me smile =) guess that’s why every time I saw you I’d just get so happy and “HI BILY!!!”ish hahaha… it was fun having fun with you! I have many memories of you captured in my camera considering you stick your head into every possible picture hehehehe =) it’s a good thing! (most of the time haha) it was nice actually having serious’er’ conversations with you nearer to the end of the term. Nice to have guy friends to confide in ya know?... it’s nto the same as girltalk, sorry man. But I respect that you are very in touch with your feminine side ;) thanks for the origami rose, and for spending all day TRYING to figure out how to make us each something different. Missing you already bilyboy… you’d better fly down from bc and visit!
Chris: sorry that I didn’t get to hang out with you much this term… but that “allnighter” at slc was fun … I enjoyed watching you fart on everyone while they were sleeping and taking pics of it hahaha how old are we like five? =P… you are cool because you like cows. Better chill with us more next term!!!
Eric(frosh real frosh): eric you know what’s really fun? Hahhaa screwing with your mind lol .. just kidding. Although you have to admit, the whole “hating” thing was pretty good. Thanks for your friendship this term man, our all-nighters for psych, actually hanging out with you was mostly very late at night… next year you better not try to kick me out of the “group” haha just because I am on co-op, anyways I DRAW THE PICTURES and we both know that the pictures determine everything. Haha thanks for all the foodies and the chocolate milk. For caring enough to trek all the way across campus to bring us stuff. I gained like a gazillion lbs from drinking 2 packs of hot chocolate a night. See you next term.
Herm: oh herman…thanks for your friendship this term. Thanks for times where we’d just sit and talk about stuff. For webcam conversations. For prayer. It’s hard to know what to say… but you’re just always THERE for me. And that meant so much. Means so much. i know you’re in montreal.. and I miss you already but I know we’ll be friends forever in the Lord. Fun times with snowball fights, movies, nights at your place, night at my place haha… it meant a lot to be able to spend your last night here with you. Thanks for that amazing powerpoint. It summed things up so well. Put in audiovisual how much this term meant and the strength of our friendships. Powerful stuff man. Visit me, we’ll go shopping.
Jon Lau: little jon!!...you make me laugh hehe It was really fun just chilling, singing K... haha (i love your boyband singing), did you get some fingerless gloves for Christmas? :) I’m glad to have gotten to know you and have you as a friend even if we didn’t get to hang out as much as i would’ve liked :P But it’s quality not quantity time that matters right? You still have to finish your story... you know what i mean. Miss you—visit!
Jon Lo: Wow... the crazy quartet was back together again for a term!!!!!!!!!!! I’ve never spent THIS much time in the same city as you before, but it proved to be a lot of fun. I’ve missed the old K-camp/tc/wonderland times, but this term at UW has proved to be really amazing... to be able to grow, fellowship and pray with you haha and do silly things like toga party, “study”, and have snowball fights haha almost as good as our old water fights :) with the four of us around we can never run out of fun- glad to share this new era with you.
Kevin: KEVING! I hardly saw you at all this term. But i like you! I wish we hung out more this term. Thanks for the chats and jokes we DID share =)
Victor: qwoei ujdfiwop awdkjrtlisut jd sdfie wmoifdg [ 8394820 k9wer wekr9wi0 wwpe9r8 w –i know you can read elvish, so you must’ve understood that sentence. Hahaha just kidding it’s a very cool trait… hahaha it was fun chilling with you this term.. especially those “interesting” conversations we had at slc on msn even tho we were sitting across from eachother. I love that your guitar is named after me. And that you have the most insanely strong memory of anyone I’ve ever met. Will miss you next term =( but hey, you live in Toronto so you can visit us! =) continue to charm the ladies with the elvish! (good luck with that)
Just wanted to say a short thank you to the upper years of ccf that were there for me this term… I guess I a lot of the people in ccf that I was closer with graduated these past few years and I felt like I knew a lot of the upper years but only superficially. But these people have been REALLY supportive of the frosh. Doing random nice things for us, praying for and with us, giving guidance, just chilling with and getting to know us. Especially the prayer meetings during exam time at slc… whoever started that is my hero. That was so needed and appreciated. Means a lot.
Andrew: you’ve been like a big brother to me these past few years. We go “way back” hehe but this term in itself was so much fun… especially being able to worship with you… thanks for showing me the ropes with that eh?... and for your last words of wisdom. Will hold them in my heart.
Dave: my buddy dave!... we’ve known eachother for a few years.. but never truly talked until this term. Thanks for listening to me freak out especially in the beginning about my insecurities. Thanks for your brotherly advice and for driving us around in your sexy blue car… LIZ PHAIR! P.s. don’t be influenced by Alison, you are a NICE GUY.
Deb: deb… thanks for your friendship these past few years =) thanks for always taking the time to make sure I was doing okay this term and for inviting me out to women’s cell even though I came so few times (never thought it would be so busy)… it’s always fun to hang out and chat =)
Eric (frosh not frosh eric): ericcheng! Thanks for your caring and considerateness… your cheerful smile always rubs off on everyone hehe… it’s nice hanging out with you more since you are a frosh now… sort of haha thanks for driving me around and having us over at westcourt for dinners and stuff =)
Jenny and John: Thanks for leading frosh cell… it was the group that began the foundation for a bunch of the friendships I treasure so much. you guys are God-sent =)
JT: You took the time to spend with a lot of us this term.. just to chill with us and get to know us… you studied with us and you jabbed me with a pen so I would get up and study (maybe) and not fail my exams hahaha… you’re a real pal =) except when you helped mike almost kill me during the snowball fight ;) hehe
Mike: Michael!! You finally added me to your msn list!!!! I win! =D Haha thanks for always doing nice things for people… for having us over for dinner at westcourt all those times. Way to throw me on the ground and kick snow at my faceeeeeee haha you are so mean. but in the end, you’re a cutie patootie anyways! Whee… keep that cheerful disposition, it’s contagious.
[to both you and JT: I’ll EAT my CRUST okayyYYYY?? Hahaha, if you throw bread at me at winter retreat I will CRY. =P]
Ray: It was cool being able to chill with you again this term in econ… thanks for helping me out and landing me that 87 on the first midterm… God knows I needed that mark considering how badly I did on the second one eeeEEEE.. sorry man, but you will never convert me into a fitness freak like you hahaha props for trying though! =D
One of my biggest fears going into university was that I would lose touch with everyone from my “past”. I guess I’m really blessed to have a lot of people who kept in touch. But I just wanted to say a few thankyou’s to people who stayed close. Dora is included but she was already mentioned before.
Gladys: I never have reason to doubt but I do. I won’t even apologize because I feel like I might do it again. *sigh* … but thanks for being there. You’re like family to me. I may not always see you but I know you’re always there whenever I really need something.
Ina: We didn’t even talk much this term… it’s been so busy. But I just wanted you to know that it meant a lot to me that you’d message me all the time to make sure I was doing okay and to see if I ever needed anything. Thanks.
Janey: Thanks for the calls… the emails… the calling me to hang out or eat when you came up to loo. It means a lot to know that someone remembers I’m alive and actually takes an effort to stay close. Thanks for being there.
Shabba: You will always be my big sister. Since I was nine years old you’ve stuck around for me… thanks for the advice… you were a constant this term. Something I really needed. Things seem unstable a lot, but you were always there. Thanks.
Tiff: my girl and aunt tiff hahaha… we had some fun times this term even though we were two hours apart =) … your visits, wayne and jess’s wedding… hey… these all seem so THEMED =P I’ll leave that up to your interpretation haha you always make me laugh babe. Glad we could stay tight.
Viv: I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you that much this term… I could have definitely called more …hung out more. Guess it’s just so easy to get caught up. But you continually took the effort and that means so much to me. Good to see you around at timmy’s and chill once in while … sorry that it leads to you doing “rebellious” things hahaha it’s okay. You can live on the edge a little ;)
Okay it’s finally over. I have nothing to say except after writing this… I realize that the term was kind of themed—it seems that prayer was huge. It IS huge. The power of prayer is huge. And God’s blessings for me this term were HUGE. ThankYOU =)
p.s. if i forgot to thank anyone, i'm really sorry. REALLY. i'm sure you're important in my heart even if your name wasnt' on the tip of my tongue.